Sathya's Interesting Blog

Just another blog of fun, Awesomeness, and creativaty

May 25, 2014
by sathya9

My nomination

The edublogs awards is coming soon, We’ve been assigned to nominate a class/students blog.  Out of all those amazing blogs, it was difficult for me to choose, but the blog I  chose to nominate is : Mr. Wood’s class blog ( All about us)

Mr. Woods blog was personally appealing to me, it was very interesting and captured my attention. I really liked the background theme on this blog, caused by its wonderful bird design. There are various widgets and helpful tools such as…photo peach, taxeto, live traffic feed, pictures/videos etc to enhance his posts.  A wide

variety of things makes this a great blog to visit. Reading Mr. Wood’s  post inspired me think about how to improve my writing skills which will lead me to success in my future writing. After visiting this blog, I have learned to include attributes like creativity, details, independence etc into my writing. I really liked how Mr. Woods used different formats in his site.

My passion for bloging really increased.  The subtitle on this blog goes perfect with the posts, eg…”Down to the Wire or Is music education important”.all blogs I checked were amazing, But this one is exceptional. Something I really admire about this blog is its uniqueness in his wording. Mr.Woods has officially been chosen as my rolemodel when it comes to bloging. I am fortunate to find a blog this amazing.

   Anyway’s, there are lots of things that makes this blog amazing. I recommend everyone to take a look at it!

Click on the following link↓:

lets find out who wins!










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May 14, 2014
by sathya9

All about me in the future …

image image imageTopic #1: What’s my future residents  ?

      Personally, I would continue to live in Canada, due to The fact that it’s a country of peace and many opportunities. The laws of Canada protects it’s citizens, I

foresee myself staying here in the future. When I’m an adult, I would  like to offer the same standard of living to my family,  In comparison to where my parents came

from, It was really difficult to provide for a family because of  cost of living was high and wages were low. I’m lucky that my parents decided to move to Canada, they

have provided a very Great life.

Topic #2: My vehicle

I would like to own a Mercedes. The reason I chose the Mercedes Is because When I visited Trinidad, I had the opportunity to drive in my grandfathers Mercedes s4. Wow!

is it ever loaded with features such as…  High speed, Quiet engine, signal sounds if a car comes close to you, the head light as it’s own wipers,  and The music comes

trough the speaker like your experiencing a live concert. This experience helped me determine the car I would like when I’m an adult. I compared the Mercedes to the lexus,

camery, and even a bmw. The quality of ride given by the Mercedes far surpasses them all. I’m sure if you had ever drove in the Mercedes, you will agree with me.

Topic 3: My Profession

When I grow up, I want to be a doctor because I love helping people. Being a doctor allows you to ern a living while serving a community and at the same time, It

gives an opportunity to do a lot of work.  To become a doctor It requires a lot of commitment, dedication, and patience. These are qualities that I would like to develop as I

grow older witch I think will help me become a great doctor.  I choose  this  profession because I have a lot of respect and admiration for the work that doctors do.     

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